Monday, September 27, 2010

why does hyperthyroidism patients repeatedly present beside thirst?

has the thirst get anything to do with the losing sweat? i be thinking that maybe the reduce in body volume contained by sweating stimulates the production of aldosterone and hence produces thirst.but i'm not sure though! In hyperthyroidism,the body's metabolism is very much more quicker than majority person,so much warmness is produced and there's a lot of sweating.
Sweating lead to decease in body sea (water loss is more than loss of salts) and increase in tonicity of blood,which adjectives leads to secretion of angiotensin 2 which stimulate the thirst center within the brain to cause thirst sensation.
Aldosterone don't explanation thirst.Angiotensin 2 also stimulate secretion of aldosterone too.Aldosterone is responsible for reserving body fluids and salts by decresing urine volume.
I am hypo and other thirsty, I think it have to do with your slow metabolisation including river. It effects you whole system.

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