Monday, September 27, 2010

why does one catch a runny snout?

i understand that you hold a virus/bacteria etc etc,
but what does the body hope to achieve by flooding your sinuses and antenna with -for a dearth of a better term- "snot"? All of the extra phlegm is your body flushing out the infection. Rather than puss (like in a pimple, or cut) it comes out as phlegm through your nose/mouth.
it's any 'cause you have a cold, flu or allergie.
It's newly an automatic response from the body to deal beside an onslaught of more virus/bacteria on the nasal nouns. From the point of view of the body, it is especially effective. When the number of invaders reach a certain point that it's unmanageable, the body will resort to one of its strategy to kick out the existing bugs and prevent more from coming. Notice that usually a runny snout is accompanied or followed but plentiful other symptoms. It's part of a routine flushing because the body is self taken over.
In many individuals this whole system can overreact when not essential; it's as if the body was paranoid. That would be an allergy.
that 's corect because when adjectives of the extra phlegm is your body flushing out the infection. Rather than puss (like in a pimple, or cut) it comes out as phlegm through your nose/mouth. It its really yucky

why does my throat headache so much?

near the moved out ear i keep have a dull ache and i hold to keep clearing mythroat Probably an infection. Some antibiotics should clear it right up.
Maybe you hold strep throat.
I sympathise as I have a vastly sore throat at the moment. It's either a viral or bacterial infection. You should be in motion see your doctor and they will give you something to clear it up.
You may enjoy an ear infection, strep throat or tonsillitis.
I'd see your doctor if it doesn't clear up
Take a look at this site too
Speaking from personal experience it is one of three things:
a) Bacterial infection
b) Viral infection
c) Your on your way to capture a Cold/
IT could be your throat or your ear. You may have an infected tonsil. Try gargle with melt very brackish water. If this doesn't stop it, you will own to go to the doctor for an antibiotic.
See a doctor, hon.
acquire some claritin and a decongestant
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  • Why does my muzzle run when I get through?

    Maybe it doesn't like the smell of what you're drinking.
    It depends on what you eat. If you get through strong things like mint or hot pepper they clear your sinuses and may make you muzzle run.

    Why does my leader hurt from studying so much? I never bring headache.?

    Could be a combination of eyestrain, dehydration and tense muscles. Get up and stretch frequently, focus your eyes on something distant frequently, drink lots of hose down.
    your mind tends to return with stessed and over worked and so it reacts by giving you a person in charge ack. it wants to sigmal to you that it is over worked. i.e. what i think at lowest.
    u got more information than your brain can process
    You may be experiencing eye strain- possible have need of breaks from reading, more light, or specs.
    You could also be stressing yourself out.
    I say that you may be studying too tricky without any relaxation. I'd similar to to advise you that drinking fish could help because it's certain to be brain-food.
    You should stop studying by osmosis. And if you do study by osmosis, don't slam the book on yoour head again and again. That will fashion your head hurt.
    It is from eyestrain. The same entry happens to me. You should grasp some glasses to wear when studying. I hold glasses for studying even though I own perfect daydream.
    STOP falling asleep and smacking your head on the desk
    dear college,
    am a medical student similar to u.that's the problem with me 2.its something common i maybe stress on the brain and the fantasy.let me provide u a tip (HAVE A BRAKE WILL U!)
    could be tension principal ache. or strain from the eyes. if u hold nausea and aura. could be migraine.
    if headaches come at singular time. cluster head ache. they cause tear of the way to study is for a while everyday and go group during your exams. trust me on this.. this is what fetched me a gold ingots medal within general surgery. !

    why does my hamstring hurt? It have be over 2 years.?

    I over stretched it why running for a basketball and reaching with the differing arm at the same time. I draw from terrible torment in it, adjectives the way up to my lower put money on. It feels close to it is being stretched to far even when I am sitting still. I hold been to physical psychoanalysis, and stretching makes it worse. Does anyone know the answer? You may enjoy permanently undermined the muscle where it inserts, making it impossible to alleviate completely. Go see a sports medicine physician and consider an MRI to see what the muscle looks resembling.
    Questions about your own robustness aren't things you should be asking a group like this. What you requirement to do is see a physician and get a PROFESSIONAL answer from someone who really know what he or she is talking roughly speaking when they answer a question similar to this. And, if it's been bothering you for two years you obligation to talk to a doctor SOON! I'd suggest seeing a Neurologist who specializes surrounded by problems with the intermediate nervous system because that seem like the motive of your problem.
    surgery could help.
    consult ur MD.
    Sounds resembling the simple answer is that you somehow injured it in a road that it hasn't healed completely or won't. I'd consult a medical professional to grasp a better diagnosis. My guess is that you injured the muscle at one of the insertion points.

    why does my obverse surface similar to it's throbbing and my throat is fresh?

    You are ill
    what be u doing last dark
    to much crank!
    I think thats side effects of Viagra!

    Why does muscular dystrophy progress slower within females than males?

    Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (a common form of the disease) is an x-linked recessive trait. This system that if a boy gets a copy of this gene from his mother, he will hold the disease. If a girl gets this gene from her mother, she will be a owner, because she will also have a majority x-chromosome from her father. Here's where I start speculating. For a long complicated justification called mosiacism, a woman may attain muscular dystrophy even with one regular x. I suspect that this normal x is helping to slow the diease.
    Muscular dystrophy is the residence used to describe a group of inherited disorders that wreak progressive muscle weakness. There are nine types of muscular dystrophies,
    Myotubular, or centronuclear, myopathy belongs to the ethnic group of congenital myopathies which are characterised by muscle weakness.
    Manifesting carrier of myotubular myopathy are very dying out. As mentioned earlier, every womanly has two copies of the X chromosome. In every cell, one copy is “switched off”. Usually this is unsystematic, but in some exceptional cases, more copies of the “good” chromosome are inactivated. In such cases a feminine may show signs of the condition, but this is likely to be just mild weakness.
    Certain types of MD are sex associated traits, carried on the X chromosome. A male is XY whereas a womanly is XX. If the male inherits an MD-X, hes get MD. If a female inherits it, she is heterozygous and the symptoms are mild if they show at adjectives.
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  • Why does looking up at the sun form you sneeze?

    It's called the "Photic sneeze reflex" and it's missing in everyone. I individually don't sneeze *just* because of sunlight, but I do know that if I feel a sneeze coming on and I want to trigger it, looking at bright lights help trigger the sneeze.
    Check out the link below for Cecil Adams' answer.
    you are funny lol you should ask the grill "does you sneeze whenever you look at sun?" let me answer that interrogate I make okay lol I don't sneeze whenever I look at the sun I watch also other people and my dog lol none of them usually sneeze when they look at the sun. I guess you usually sneeze when you look at the sun maybe you own some ill beliefe in the region of looking at the sun - maybe it is only all psychological - what do you devise?
    you do?? never happened to me!

    Why does looking at a street lamp give a hand me sneeze?

    Sometimes I feel approaching I have to sneeze, but I lately can't. Many years ago a friend recommended that in that suitcase to look up at a light.and it works every time! Why? Sounds to me close to you've got a condition call photic sneeze reflex.
    My guess is.. What it does is what you naturally do when you sneeze.. you heave your head and consequently you sneeze.
    it may also be that when most people look at a street lamp it releases the pressure build up.. or it does for may anyway.

    why does Krukenberg tumour occur solely contained by the ovaries and never transpire within any other pelvic organ?

    Specifically, Krukenberg's tumor is a metastasis of stomach cancer to the ovary. Probably the name of the guy that first described it. Pancoast tumor is a tumor surrounded by the apex of the lungs. It's just one of those "let's identify this for a person to verbs everyone" things.
    because that is the dub for a tumor in the ovary.

    Why does it say aloud not to drink grapefruit liquid on my prescription bottle for alprazolam(xanex) and Valium?

    Thanks for any type of answer,cause i merely can't figure this one out.It's lately grapefruit juice.What the heck? it's not rendered ineffective, it will #$%# you up though! it's almost resembling drinking alittle alch with your xanax, it change the way it hits you and make you feel pretty wowsy
    it is due to the citic tart amount that it carries
    There are reliable acids in grapefruit, that can counter-act beside certain drugs.making the drugs ineffective.
    here is a chemical in grape fruit liquid that cancels the effects of particular medicines
    Because it will alter the chemicals contained by the drugs. It will either take home it too potent or too weak.
    Grapefruit liquid is a burden to your liver and reduces the liver's dimensions to break down the drug. This can cause poisoning by any the drug itself or by some of its derivatives. For the same rationale, many drugs should not be combined beside alcohol.
    The warning is to be taken seriously. Actually, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's scandalous that grapefruit liquid is not labeled with like warning since not everybody read the instructions on their pills carefully.
    A few years ago, after greatly of people have bad reaction, they determined that a substance in grapefruit liquid can sometimes dramatically increase or decrease the effect of the drug. If you swallow your pills next to grapefruit juice, you may extremity up getting really messed up, or the drug may end up have no effect at all.

    Why does infective endocarditis cause anemia and how clubbing of finger nail associated near that?

    The anaemia that occurs next to infective endocarditis is not haemolytic. Instead, it is the normocytic (normal sized) normochromic (normal coloured) anaemia associated with chronic disease. In this overnight case, it occurs because near is an established infection.
    Like the anaemia, clubbing of the fingernails is associated with prolonged infective endocarditis. We aren't entirely sure almost the mechanism bringing up the rear it. What we do know is that it relates to increasing blood flow in the clubbed nouns, and that is credible due to dilation of the blood vessels here. No one can really agree as to why this happens.
    anemia is cause by hemolysis of red blood cells(haemolytic type of anemia) the clubbing is a late sign contained by the sub acute presentation but i don't know why it happen
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  • Why does increased cortisol organize to hypertension?

    I know people next to hypercortisolism have symptoms similar to those of excessive Aldosterone secretion. I would guess it's a mineralocorticoid, and promotes absorbtion of Na+ at the DCT/CT. Hope this help.
    It's not a mineralocortcoid really.although it does have highly slight mineralocorticoid effect. It's main function is as a glucocortioid stimulating gluconeogenesis and have a good anti-inflammatory effect. Though it does increase blood pressure to some horizontal .so maybe excess production could end in hyperstension .though a large increase contained by cortisol would usually cause a refusal feedback response to ACTH hormone, thus inhibiting it.
    Froboygold has it right. Cortisol can own effects similar to Aldosterone, even though it is a glucocorticoid and not a mineralcorticoid. Increased cortisol leads to hypernatremia (high sodium level in blood serum) influential to hypervolemia (increased blood volume) and thus hypertension.

    why does hyperthyroidism patients repeatedly present beside thirst?

    has the thirst get anything to do with the losing sweat? i be thinking that maybe the reduce in body volume contained by sweating stimulates the production of aldosterone and hence produces thirst.but i'm not sure though! In hyperthyroidism,the body's metabolism is very much more quicker than majority person,so much warmness is produced and there's a lot of sweating.
    Sweating lead to decease in body sea (water loss is more than loss of salts) and increase in tonicity of blood,which adjectives leads to secretion of angiotensin 2 which stimulate the thirst center within the brain to cause thirst sensation.
    Aldosterone don't explanation thirst.Angiotensin 2 also stimulate secretion of aldosterone too.Aldosterone is responsible for reserving body fluids and salts by decresing urine volume.
    I am hypo and other thirsty, I think it have to do with your slow metabolisation including river. It effects you whole system.

    why does hot dampen partiality sweat?

    perhaps you own been drinking sweat
    are u ok luke?
    if you dont similar to it sweet, leave out the sugar subsequent time.
    p.s. "sweat" tastes pungent!
    Assuming this means "sweet", it is related to the track that your nerve ending react to different temperature. Whilst sweeter tastes are associated beside coldness, actual heat have the inverse effect, making it seem sweet.
    I hope this answers your interrogate, although I am beginning to verbs about you drining boiling wet.
    If hot water piece like sweat -you hold some big issues!
    You have a dampen softener
    It was due to a benzene spill that made the melt water nibble sweet.
    no idea why would you drink hot dampen on its own
    you must be kidding . must hold had sweat ..
    because your cooking your mouth
    if you similar to the taste of cooked human flesh you entail to get some psychiatric lend a hand
    have you hear of
    when your tongur burns while drinking hot water it leaves ur tongue cheap and later after few secs u essence sweet. it is default.

    why does hot hose down abet make well an infection?

    I thought the heat draws out the infection. It works on boils.sorry, I know it's gross.
    Actually, it's soap and hot marine help treat an infection, by preventing one from starting. If you wash a wound soon after it happen under running river, you rinse away alot of the gross contamination.
    Sterilization with boiling dampen works on the same principle as cooking. You are bloodbath the bacteria by denaturing the protein structures which engineer them up. Heat, 'unfolds' the protein. This is why egg white becomes solid when cooking, you are coagulating the albumin protein that make up the egg white.
    If you alreay have an infection, it's too behind schedule for hot water, and solely antibiotics work.
    Also, some bacteria are resistant to heat, or their toxins don't break down in cooking, resembling the botulinum toxin, which resists denaturing and can still kill you. Ditto for some spores, and virus.
    hot water kill viruses
    I'm not a doctor.
    I've other thought it was due to the increased blood flow as a result of the hot dampen. If you use soap and wash the wound, it will also sustain.
    Mike Honeycutt
    Dilates blood vessels giving blood cell and antibodies better access to the site.

    why does down solitary grow surrounded by some places?

    why have humans lost nearly adjectives the hair on their bodies but still own denser hair on their pave the way / underarms /pubic
    Since underarm/pubic hair with the sole purpose kicks contained by at puberty, is it supposed to be attractive to the opposite sex? u own hair adjectives over the body - just not that marked in some areas.
    tresses is dencer in the spike is to help block the suns rays, to sustain sweat and to keep u warm- trapping nouns inbetween the hairs.
    Also spike is to remove water- hairs flow downwards!
    Remnants of our evolutionary involve for warmth.
    Its not expected to be attractive, (though i suppose hair on the herald may be), just simply 'the not here overs' after evolution has at a snail`s pace reduced the amount covering our bodies.
    Remember, we were once similar to apes =)
    to protect the delicate areas
    protection of the places.
    to maintain the fun areas warm
    and some peoples toes
    mane is present all over the body.. its denser at some places such as the commander and arm pits. its main function is to argue the body temperature and prevent the overheating of the body..
    contained by winter hair plays a decisive role in homeastasis. when its cold the mane on the body tends to stick out trapping a band of air which results contained by insulation and less roast loss from the body.
    it grows where u enjoy hair folicles.
    I've recurrently pondered that question myself.
    If we be hairy close to apes, would we need Montague Burton?
    What would Kate Moss do for a living?
    What hairstyle would David Beckham hold?
    Would Gillette go out of business?
    How long would an appointment near the hairdresser take?
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  • why does H. Pylori not motivation Duodenal Cancer?

    I'm not so sure about the exact answer to u're ask but.. I know that H.pylori is implicated in the causation of peptic carbuncle (which includes gastric and duodenal ulcer)
    and gastric ulcer are more probable to cause cancer.
    In small amounts it wont, within high amounts it will single increase the risk of cancer.
    this is why it is important for the doctor to ask the patients people medical history.
    Carcinoma of the small bowel is so exceedingly rare that not profoundly of data have been collected in connection with this.

    why does eye become bloodshot after hip bath or sleepless or grief struck state or when drunk?

    After a hot bath and after drinking, the blood vessel in the body dilate or catch larger (for different reasons). Redness during a grief struck state is probably due to crying which disrupts the normal state of the eye. The conventional tear show has several layer that are disrupted by crying. As far as sleeplessness is concerned, I am not so sure, unless eye rubbing is involved which could cause mild power-driven problems.

    Why does excess Vitamine C and Omega's motivation Nose Bleeds?

    I'm trying to verify and get a better grasp about these diet supplements. Wikipedia which say:
    "Some people who own frequent nosebleed problems, the cause could be the effect of vitamin overdose especially vitamin C .
    Cultures near a diet rich in fish sources that include soaring levels of omega-3 fatty acids (especially the Inuit) enjoy also been observed to experience a better incidence of nosebleeds. Athletes and bodybuilders who supplement their diets with fish grease also report increased frequency of nosebleeds." Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is an acid which have some anti-coagulant properties, or it makes the consistency of blood thinner , thus it is attributed to do nosebleeds in trustworthy patients who may be sensitive to this drug. As for omega-3 fatty acids I would say like property as cited for Vitamin C and normally fatty acids do counter in our systems scantily especially if we take them on an void stomach. Same case for Vitamin C.
    I don't enjoy a good answer. I do purloin both as supplements. But have never have a nose bleed.
    Blood thinners.
    Wikipedia is wrong! Vitamin C and Omega Fatty Acids do not explanation nosebleeds. The most typical reasons for nosebleeds are:
    1) Dry nouns which causes the mucus to go hard.
    Bleeding follows when nose is picked.
    2) High blood pressure
    3) Injuries
    4) Allergies
    5) Drugs that are snorted
    I thought it be because they thin out the tissues within your nose. which cause easy bleeding.

    Why does drinking tea on an uniform stomach engineer me vomit?

    It's weird. Just conventional plain Lipton tea makes me vomit when I drink it on an meaningless stomach. I'd like to know if here is a scientific justification behind this. Well, tea have caffeine which can be emetic (vomit-inducing) in substantial concentrations. I guess drinking it on an empty stomach may enhance its effects.
    At most minuscule in the armour of green tea, vomiting is listed as one of the side effects (see second link).
    Tea have tannic acid and can upset an worthless stomach. Try herbal tea instead. Celestial Seasonings has some really nice teas.
    Do you experience this when drinking other caffeinated drinks? People enjoy different levels of sensitivity to caffeine, and it can basis nausea. It also may be a simple food allergy.

    Why does decussation of the motor and sensitive tracts surrounded by the jittery system materialize?

    Why do the motor and sensitive tracts cross on their way to the cerebrum? I can't seem to be to find a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon. I don't know if within is a scientific answer to this. However, I own postulated that it is a matter of protection. If an attack or injury comes from the departed side and damages the brain/nervous system, the right brain can still provide defensive maneuvers to the gone side of the body.
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  • Why does coffee create you own to budge to the toilet so commonly?

    Coffee has a diurectic chemical within it (like an anti-diurectic hormone, but obviously the opposite) which, once its contained by your bloodstream, makes you want to move about to the toilet.
    caffeine is a diuretic.
    Coffee is a diuretic and also a stimulant.
    It inhibits a chemical messenger that causes you to lose body wet. the lost body water is excreted surrounded by urine instead of being reabsorbed into the body.

    why does ciprofloxacin mete out seizure?does it affect CNS?

    Ciprofloxacin is part of a class of antibiotics call the fluoroquinolones. Side effects involving the CNS or central scared system (brain/spinal cord) are always a possibility near this class of medications. There are several prescription medication that can cause seizure by lowering the "seizure threshold". This medium that if you were going to hold a seizure anyway, it would help yourself to less stimuli to lead to it to happen. Most ethnic group don't routinely experience seizures from ciprofloxacin. However, if I have epilepsy (a seizure disorder), I would think twice with using ciprofloxacin, especially if my paroxysm disorder is poorly controlled.

    why does benzene lead to hemolysis of red blood cell?

    RBCs have a phospholipid membrane close to other cells of the body. Lipids are soluble within alcohols like benzene, so the membrane falls apart.
    Hemolysis (or haemolysis)—from the Latin Hemo-, worth blood, -lysis, meaning to break open— is the breaking unseal of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin into the surrounding fluid (plasma, contained by vivo).
    The major effect of benzene from chronic (long-term) exposure is to the blood. Benzene damages the bone marrow and can result in a decrease surrounded by red blood cells, central to anemia. It can also cause excessive bleeding and depress the immune system, increasing the accident of infection
    Benzene is no longer used as an additive surrounded by gasoline but it is an important industrial solvent and precursor contained by the production of drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber, and dyes.
    I dont know if this will help but as of very soon it is all I can find.
    This might aid

    why does man surrounded by a pool label you own to pee?

    everytime me and my friends are in a pool we adjectives have to pee The idea is that the pressure of the water compresses your body and forces the blood circulation wager on to your heart. This causes a hormone to signal your kidneys that you hold extra water within your system and then your kidneys after make more urine.
    dampen, water, every be
    Mental note: do not win in a pool near vadirtysouth42 or friends
    it doesn't.. its just you
    It's a reflex. Pinch your snout and the reflex will be turned off. Or do anything you do to stop a sneeze.
    It also happens when I turn on the faucet.
    peer pressure??

    why does aspirin dissolve faster contained by hot hose? do you enjoy any sites to give a hand me answer my quiz plz?

    please help me. i'll capture an F at school if i don't know. it dissolves faster than it dissolves surrounded by normal wet and cold water. i of late don't get it why?? atoms are moving faster within hot water, and are hitting surface of the pill more repeatedly thus knocking molecules away from the pill more repeatedly, thus disolving faster
    almost anything in hot hose will dissolve faster. Water is hot, and at a such hot temperature it will start to break down anything lately because of it's heat. Heat breaks down things faster.
    Yes, I don't construe you need a website for this one. It's simply base on the scientific principles that fry causes molecules to expand and cooler temperature causes molecules to contract. So if you drop an aspirin surrounded by hot water, the molecules expand faster thus making it easier to dissolve.
    asprin dissolves faster surrounded by hot water. Hot hose down is energy which help dissolve things if u dont believe me boil some water and next get some cold dampen put both in a clear chalice cup and put food coloring in it i will be right. The lone reason the human body isnt hot is becausse it uses enzymes as an vivacity source
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  • why does aphakia explanation lower glaucoma?

    without the lens, shouldn't at hand be a lot of space for the iris, on depiction a large lens may push against the iris and close the angle. so why does it motivation secondary glaucoma. The aqueous humor accumulate between the iris-capsule diaphragm and the anterior hyaloid face, an nouns known as the strait of Petit. The pressure from the aqueous trapped in the posterior chamber displaces the iris forward. This is posterior pupillary block. The block impede the forward movement of the aqueous to the anterior chamber leading to iris bombé, hurdle of the angle, and possible formation of peripheral anterior synechiae.

    Why does anti-perspirant fashion me sweat instead of stopping my sweating?

    maybe see a dermatologist, you might hold some idiosyncrasies near regards to your underarm
    beat me.

    Why does an rime pack burn?

    When you use an ice pack on a sore fund or twisted ankle, at first it feels cold, after your skin feels close to it is burning, then go numb. Anyone know the medical reason for the burning sensation from a cold source? Skin have two types of cells for measure temperature: roast receptors and cold receptors. These are scattered over your in one piece body, but they're most heavily concentrated on your face, your most temperature-sensitive region. Your brain determines skin heat by counting how frequently these cold and heat receptors fire.
    If you've ever spilled something greatly hot on yourself, you might have notice that it can feel strangely chilly in assimilation to painfully hot. This is because your cold receptors start firing at fundamentally high temperature, as well as your grill receptors. Likewise, if you touch something very cold, it might touch strangely hot as well. This is because spasm receptors are triggered by extreme cold, and these signals are easily confused next to heat.
    If your skin's single a little hot or cold--but still essential eighty-six degrees--your receptors will stop firing and skin will get used to individual that temperature. Test this by wadding three bowls of water--make one warm, one cool, and one separating. Put one hand surrounded by the warm hose and the other in the cool, later leave them within. After they get used to these temperature, move them both to the middle bowl. Your hand from the cool wet will now perceive warm, while your foot from the warm hose will now grain cool!
    something called Freezer burn.
    I dream up that the water within the cells freeze and burst. When you are burned by boil, the water contained by the cells boil and burst. I guess that the inkling is the same because the cell devastate is the same.

    Why does a closure of purp cost so much?

    Barney not rebel. I am so lost - how much is a fastener, and what is a purp?
    explain, what is a zip of purp?
    too much!
    cuz u smoke it by the pound and drink goose by the fifth.. and since u gotta re-up on the first and next again on the fifth it costs a lot

    Why does a runner moves his hand support and forth while running briskly ?

    While walking also we use hands put a bet on and forth. We walk on two legs but we evolved from quadripeds. Biologically speaking we hike on all the "four" legs. When our right leg comes forward our departed hand moves forward. And when our gone leg moves forward our right hand moves forward.
    run down to the store near your arms behide you back
    you jump down and then adjectives laugh
    stability and helps surrounded by running fast
    to hit the upper air and body like swimming!
    A runner moves his hand back and forth while running in haste are:
    1. To gain momentum
    2. To cut through the wind.
    To give a hand pushing him forward
  • pulse rate
  • Why my cat is bleeding inside her ears
  • Why does a full bladder give the impression of being to head to increased flatulence?

    The bladder and the bowel are both stimulated by sacral and pudendal nerves. A variation of stimulation to these nerves can impose increased function(incontinence) or decreased function(retention/constipatio. Therefore if the full bladder stimulates the nerves, the bowel may be stimulated also.
    It is a concern of increasing pressure in a set space.

    Why does 14K gold ingots give up a blackish fault on people's skin who enjoy iron defect?

    14K gold is made of 14 parts gold ingots and 10 parts of some other metal. Gold is often mixed near other metals to give it a specific color, such as white gold ingots. Metals used to alloy gold are silver, copper, nickel, platinum, palladium, tellurium and iron. It is one of these metals to be exact causing the black grades. It is likely to be silver or nickel that is to say the culprit, and there is no honest evidence that this is related to iron deficiency. It may own more to do with the tartness of the affected person's skin.
    Here's an article surrounded by Prevention magazine where they tested this phenomenon and fournd individual one of seven people who get a black mark from 14K gold ingots was in truth anemic. An MD they asked explained it was close to a reaction to skin chemistry.,5778.

    Why doeblowing on hot food cooli?

    Why is it if we blow on hot soups or other food we tend to cool it a bit Temperatures of hot foods decrease as the foods steam (therefore giving OFF grill, and retaining less heat). By blowing on the food we are (1) helping steam to lash away from the food faster and (2) adding our breath which is necessarily smaller quantity hot than the heat of our food. It's indistinguishable idea down putting ice contained by a hot liquid, except our breath isn't as cold as rime. If it were, we'd be running around cause all sorts of trouble.
    by blowing on the food, you blow rotten the hot steam coming from it. generally, fry moves from a hotter body to a colder body. and in the travel case of food, the surrounding air is cooler, so the steam from the steam you blow off get absorbed surrounded by the cooler air around it, thereby cooling the food within the process.

    why doctors write Rx surrounded by prescriptions?

    A common short form used to mean a prescription written by a physician for medication or equipment
    Rx in reality means 'recipe'.
    It is also the astrological sign of Jupiter and so be written as heading in the prescription to invoke Jupiter's blessing to allow that drug to work so that the forgiving may recover.

    why do you want to become a nurse?

    I didnt at first, but now it have grown on me. It took me 2 years of nursing school to realize that I do love my profession. I hear somewhere that if you love something, you can't really pinpoint exactly what made you love it. You just love the total package - appropriate or bad. Well, that's nursing for me. Hope I made sense a lil bit =)
    ha ha ha a nurse ha ha ha ha ha
    that's cool
    so you can see associates naked
    I don't.
    i dont want to be a gratitude, to much chemistry and biology!!
    ask yourself, may be cuz u care roughly ppl, or like to serve 'em.
    Growing up in a kith and kin of women who served as soldiers and nurses, and surgeons I have to right to be heard it is in my blood. Ever since I be 4 I wanted to be a doctor. I granted in establish to preform to my fullest and to understand every aspect of civilized and medicine I needed to work my mode up the chain. I started out as an assistant to a nursing assistant and soon will be a medical student studying neuroscience. I want to be a brain surgeon. I simply have such an inherent drive and obligation to help those who can't backing themselves. I know the care I dispense (as a forensic nurse), is the what I would want and expect for myself or my loved one. I want to make a difference contained by the world(I know it's corny). My ultimate hope: Cure CANCER.
    The simplest answer is this: to help culture - for me it is the truest and purest answer i can give
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    First, I think like mad of people here don't construe what is meant by the genetic code human being the same. It refers to the ribosomal translation table of codon-->amino sour (for example, AUG-->Met). I think within actually are some variation, but it's the same within most familiar organisms.
    At the molecular horizontal, proteins evolve a few mutations at a time. If a gene acquired too several mutations at once, the protein product would almost certainly no longer be functional. What would come to pass if you were to rework the genetic code in an organism? You would enjoy widespread mutations within almost every single protein in the organism. What are the likelihood that the new organism would be dexterous of surviving? Very, very low.
    The deep principle is that genes that are absolutely critical for go evolve the slowest. Thus, the genetic code has not changed as much as other things.
    Because it is..?
    The DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) is not matching in adjectives organisms.
    because all the organisms on the land are evolved from different species. Depending on theory of creation you believe surrounded by, every type of organisms were evolved from different types of germs and microorganisms. After all the years, every organism should own about impossible to tell apart genes.
    all organisms are made of duplicate building blocks.
    we all entail cell division proteins, trafficking proteins, metabolic proteins, receptors, etc, etc, etc.
    most of the time the function of these proteins across species is similar, which means the sequence of the protein is similar.
    but the genetic code is NOT like in adjectives organisms.
    But I don't. Have you tried pressing the Caps-lock key?

    why do you not return with goosebumbs on tops of your hand foot and facade and the bottoms?

    You only attain goosebumps wherever you enjoy hair, as it's your tresses standing up on end, that make the goosebumps happen. This give your skin more 'surface area', which makes you stove. No hair = no goosebumps.
    The skin on the vertebrae of your hands, frontage and feet is much tougher than the rest. I tatoo'd my arm and the support of my hand indistinguishable way when I be 18. The one on my arm was(is) fine. The one on my hand scabbed up and come off within a few weeks.!!

    why do you stipulation to use ms organization program as nursing students?

    because all PROFESSIONALS should enjoy basic word processing, presentation and notes analysis skills.
    There are many mechanism by which someone could learn MS bureau applicaitons. can point you in the right directions.
    I enjoy no clue! I graduated from a nursing program later year, I am not sure what you mean?
    most of these answers are correct

    Why do you own to stop taking Glucophage 24-48 hours prior to a heart cath?

    Because they prefer that a diabetic's blood sugar be higher going into surgery so that you don't "bottom out". Also, you won't be allowed to chomp through for a long period prior to the procedure and may not be capable of eat afterwards. This is to protect you and preserve you from having a hypoglycemic response. I've been diabetic for 16 years.
    The first answer is wrong (sorry Cyanne2ak). You own to stop glucophage (metformin) before a heart cath newly the same as you would a CT scan ("Cat scan"). It have nothing to do beside blood sugar levels. It have everything to do with how you body handle the drug when faced next to an iodine-containing contrast, like those used within a cardiac catherization or CT scan or IVP. Ideally, someone should avoid glucophage from the period 24 hours beforehand the procedure to 72 hours after the procedure. Taking the drug during this time could result in severe metabolic acidosis, sometimes to the point of release. It's not common, but it's well-described surrounded by the literature.

    Why do you own to enjoy your appendix out to be an astornaugt?

    Please leave a website if you own one ot give. I obtain extra credit If I turn it in 11/3 The pressure from orbit can create the appendix to burst.
    well if you attain appendicitis, it comes on randomly and is vastly painful and can annihilate you unless you have your appendix removied. surrounded by space i guess they cant do that.
    From what I understand, its if truth be told not always done. It have been considered as a preemptive means for going into orbit, but never mandated.
    I didnt know this in the past.May be because Appendicitis is veyr painful problem..once a party get it , he is no loger competent to work properly,n if it get complicated or gangrenous , it can bring much complications after rupturing similar to peritonitis, shock n death. and as its rudimentary organ so at hand is no harm within getting it i think appendisectomy is a prophylactic consider for astronauts.
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  • why do you enjoy to do research surrounded by gastroenterology?

    Research is important surrounded by any field of tablets as it improves our consciousness of disease pathology and helps to determine the most potent treatment for that disease. For instance, research allowed medicine to determine that the microbes H. pylori causes ulcer and that the treatment for ulcers begin with an antibiotic to shoot the bacteria. Without that fluency, we might still be treating ulcers near baking soda!
    because you will not be able to enter or complete a competitive fellowship contained by GI if you do not add to the body of information on the specialty. plus when you dream up of the liver, your knees should quiver.
    Because we need to find modern treatments for gastro-intestinal disease. We need to find the cause. I hope you're not a doctor of medicine..

    Why do you return with goosebumps from bake?

    Everyone knows you draw from goosebumps from being cold to insulate your skin, but why is it when I take into an extremely hot car or step outside into 100 point heat after self in 60 scope air conditioning that I attain goosebumps?? You sweat soo much the you pores swell.
    Each thred of hair on your skin is attached to a tiny muscle, that get into action to "protect" skin from revolutionary changes of warmth, as in other "hairy" mammals. Excessive boil or excessive cold are changes that breed this muscles act as if our ancient ancestor's fur would be still present. Atavic cell memory!
    This fleece "standing up" no matter how tapered it is and may be even invisible to you naked eye, is a pressure on the skin above, and it produces a bump.
    change in warmth always affects the skin-

    why do you choose to be a medical doctor?

    help on writing an essay on why do one choose to be a medical doctor, and what motivates one to swot more about prescription Well having a moment ago entered medical college this question is fresh on my mind, since every interviewer asked me. I guess for me it boils down to human being of service to people and on an upward curve the world around me. I want to help relations as cheesy as that sounds, but I the times I feel the best are when I am helping others as anti thinking about myself. I am a short time ago lucky in the certainty that I can make a job out of it. That is why I am entering medical school, that and they consent to me cut people and poke them wiht needles!!
    There are closely of motivations to be a doctor. All those reasons could be valid.
    The most vital desire is to have indulgence helping people.
    A strong intellectual drive is important as well- you can help ancestors by being a social worker or nurse, but something have to keep you going through 4 years of academy and then residency.

    Why do you phone call Calf Muscles on the leg "Calf Muscles"?

    Why do people phone up it like that? It comes from the mature Norse kalfr which is from the old Germanic galbr goal swelling - the "calf" of an animal comes from its "swelling" or pregnancy, and the "calf" of a leg is the swollen part at the bottom. Notice they use the residence "calf" for a little iceberg breaking stale from a bigger iceberg or glacier - something the Norse would be emminently familiar near.
    I had them transplanted from a immature cow
    for the same they call for the head on a human being the head.

    Why do women hold boobs?

    Regard them as a bit of a body extension to contain the mammary glands. Once a baby is born and those glands receive to work making milk for the baby at hand wouldn't be much room on the inside for a woman's lungs.
    Breasts are needed to feed babies.
    "Got Milk" when pregnant! Duh.
    why is if they enjoy kids and they don't want to boodle feed them they use within brest and cause we be just put on mud that why
    First of all shake there call Brest. And they are used to feed infants until they are ripened enough to get through more grown up food.
    some guys have'em I was worming at a place, we have an off the hook christmas do and three of the tripple XL's were comparing "manboobies".. something I would not enjoy been competent to handle seeing except for long island iced tea. And I have a friend within SL who is a TS.. he has in reality real hoooters. He's just about half approach there withthe surgeries. He looka lika chick.. you woudn't know how to tell at this point if you saw her/him up close
    So u men havesomething cool to play next to!
    to feed babies and when thats over and done next to there for poking men within the eyes when they dont leave them alone
    They're newborn bottles sometimes, and toys for men others! (we like 'em played near too)
    breasts have plentiful functions.they contain milk for babies,increase women's beauty and attraction,also used by men to play beside.
    Well. if you can breast-feed the baby, hell, more power to you!!
    Breasts are helpful like toy trains. They are used to feed children, but daddys like to play beside them too!
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