Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why does vitamin d raison d`¨ºtre thirst?

For instance, drinking milk or anything else fortified with vitamin d will merely make me more thirsty after 5 or 10 minutes. Your experience is interesting! My first thought is as follows: Vitamin D inhibits the renin-angiotensin system which plays a role contained by fluid balance (and accordingly blood pressure) in the body. You may hold a genetic polymorphism (variation) creating a 'hypersensitivity' to vitamin D in this system. However, if Vitamin D is really the rationale of your thirst response, does exposure to sunlight also produce this effect in 5 or 10 minutes? Lastly, I would expect it to transport longer than 5 or 10 minutes for any vitamin D consumed to actually find into your blood stream.
So..if I haven't confused you by now, I guess the best answer I can donate is.. "that's a good grill!"
Best wishes and good luck!
Ummm. Thirst is your body craving WATER, not milk, not soda, not drinking milk will not smother your thirst and you will stay thirsty. Vitamin D has no influence on your hypopthalmus to create the sensation of thirst.

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